Information Center2023-01-27T08:49:36-05:00



The Voice is SNA’s newsletter, written by our members for attorneys, financial advisors, trustees, and other professionals who assist individuals with special needs and their families. It addresses the complex challenges faced by professionals serving in this ever-evolving field.

The Voice®

Caregiver Rights in the Workplace

This issue of The Voice® is written by SNA sponsored member Cynthia Letsch, of the Letsch Law Firm in Grimes, Iowa. Providing legal services in Iowa, Missouri, and Nebraska, her firm focuses on special needs trusts, estate planning, and elder law; and is a Medicaid planning resource in Iowa.

Loud & Clear: Family Conversations

Loud & Clear: Family Conversations is SNA’s blog, written by our member attorneys and guests for individuals with disabilities and their families. We tackle the day-to-day and long-range issues that affect quality of life. Readers are welcome to comment on the discussion.

Loud & Clear: Family Conversations

Locating Inpatient Mental Health Treatment for People with Disabilities

Seeking inpatient mental health treatment can be daunting, especially when considering the unique needs of individuals with disabilities. Whether the individual is a minor or an adult, understanding the complex legal issues involved in assisting a loved one get the help they need is crucial in making informed decisions.

Tips for Securing Long-Term Nursing Care for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities

Transitioning a loved one with developmental disabilities to a long-term care (LTC) facility is a challenging process. The search process can feel daunting due to concerns surrounding the quality of care, financial aspects, and the individual's adjustment to new routines. Additionally, if you are the individual's guardian or family member, you may also need to face the task of choosing between permanent placement and the possibility of multiple transitions. Thorough planning can help reduce those concerns.

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